Tuesday 28 April 2009

Okay, so it's been a while again. I'll move on quickly.

I saw a health trainer today through the local national health. I'm desperate to lose weight, as I keep being reminded that if i lost some weight my joints would feel better. So in a last ditch effort, i have consulted a professional in the way of the health trainer. Really nice lady and she will help me keep my head on the goal! Although she says that I know everything, it's just a case of getting my head in the right direction. I tried to explain what use hypermobile people / arthritis suffers have to go through. I'm extremely conscience of exercising but not over doing it, as i always find that you have a good week, over do it and then end up in bed with bad knees/feet and or hips! I've got to work on doing one form of exercise a week, my chosen exercise is swimming. None impact and fairly easy going, and another big bonus is I won't knock myself out with my massive boobs! :-)

We had a bad week last week. All good up till Wednesday when Jim got a stomach bug, and I pulled my tendon getting down on the floor! So while May was crying on the floor, Jim sitting on the toilet and me unable to move from the chair, we had a fab week! Jim's idea was to stick a bucket to his bottom. LOL. Makes me laugh thinking about it.

We had a long weekend away with my family. Has anyone seen brothers & sisters? Well, we are exactly like that, just British version! It didn't start very well, in fact as in true walker style, it started with a huge argument. And yes I started it with my very stubborn mother who was all stressed out for absolute no reason except for not taking her sanity pills, and then trying to tell a women not on her sanity pill that she needs them is a whole other ball game!

Does anyone else suffer with knackered ness??

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Ha Ha Ha....I know! I need to PACE! I'm trying to fix the word in my brain. It doesn't seem to like the word too much.

I've decided I know what my problem is....I'm a control freak! I get lost when I can't control my own body. I very bad trait that I need to sort out.

Jim and a few others went to watch the football at Anfield this weekend, so I went with my sis and mum to go shopping. Never been to Liverpool before, I was really surprised! It was a lovely day, and Albert Docks were fab! We took it really slowly, and kept stopping for Coffee (one of the bonuses for being disabled!).

Jim was happy...I didn't spend much and Liverpool won!

I keep promising to update more regularly, but not today as I keep letting you all down! So until next time....Adios!


Monday 6 April 2009

Really sorry again!

I can't believe how busy i have been....how typical. I thought that starting this blog would keep me busy and help me keep my head sorted because I was bored. Ever since I have been busy.

That is so typical, it always happens that way....the same as when you want to get somewhere but get caught behind a learner driver, and all the lights turn red on you!

I've been ranting lately about my condition, it's got right on my nervous. I went for a walk around Swinsty Reservoir in Yorkshire this weekend, but half way round, my hips went! So Sunday and today I've been stuck in. Typical again....feel really good...go for a walk....bad pain....stuck in for days! Jim has been yet again very helpful, fetching carrying, baby duties etc. He's turned into a very good housewife.

My younger sister, is being referred to a rheumatologist as she has had terrible problems with her knees and wrists. They have already diagnosed her with HMS, but think there is something more going on. She's waiting on results!

I have had a quandary lately.....To scooter or not to scooter? Because of the above problem, I'm thinking about a mobility scooter. I just have major issue's with the way people treat you, and also the fact that the scooters themselves are aimed at the over 60's not people in their 20's. If I do get one...I want a trendy one not one that makes me look 65 and need a blanket over my knee to keep me warm!

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!

Take care for now! x

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Hi All,

Well Thank you for all your support and for taking the time out to log on and check out my new ramblings.

It's seems to off been a busy week so far, and with the weather so nice, I've been out and about with May. Finally been able to sort out the garden! It was in such a state. It now looks like a garden. May has not been well either, teething still!

I went to see my Rheumy yesterday, who has finally put me on a treatment course. They have given me Methotrexate and a dose of folic acid for after! I was originally going straight to my job from the hospital but because of the new treatment, I was required to have blood tests, X-rays of my hands, feet and chest and then get my prescription from the hospital pharmacy. What a joke! blood test queue was not too bad, so that was quick however, when I got to the x-ray department they advised that I could be waiting 2-3 hours! All I can say is thank goodness for my DS LITE. Then I went to the pharmacy and got chatted up by a really old guy who stood extremely close to me and then promptly started to tell me how although he's old and has 4 kids, he still enjoys the practice of making babies! YUCK! It really made me smile although I really was not in the mood for old dirty men, I did have to smile at his odd sense of humour.

So, I've taken my new tablet and am turning slightly paranoid about side effects, I'm sat here waiting for something I expect to feel like a brick (again..over imagination running wild!). Nothing so far.

Hopefully this beautiful weather will last a little bit more, if it does I will go quiet again as I will be out playing! If I'm on here more, then it's because a)I'm ill and bored b)Weather is naff, bored and May in bed!

Bye for now!

Friday 13 March 2009

Day - I can't remember!

Hi all,

Again.....it's been a while since I've written anything!

Computer problems plus getting a new part time job has taken time away from me.
Yes...I have a small temping job, 10 hours a week. It's very interesting and it's keeping my mind occupied, I have to try and learn Access!

I have my rheumy appointment on Tuesday coming so I am looking forward to telling her all my troubles and she giving me a new magic pill that's going to make everything better! (I wish anyway!) The doctor has given me some cream which is actually helping....it capsicum. I find that really helps when my joints are sore, especially my small joints.

May is nearly walking, she's getting so determined. She's very strong willed, just like her father!

I will update more later...I just wanted to let you know that I've not forgotten about you!


Sunday 1 March 2009

Day Six

Yahoo!!!! I've straigthened my hair today for the first time in 6 days!

Oh, what a difference a day makes!

As you can probably tell, i feel a whole lot better today. I've been making dinner, cleaning and playing with May. I feel so much better for getting my kitchen back from Jim unorganised mess. He has no clue how my kitchen runs. I'm in charge now and it's back to normal business. Yahoo!

(I've still got to be careful but hopefully getting back to normal!)

I saw mum today since our argument on Friday, everything seemed okay but I'll give her a hug tomorrow and ask if she's actually read this blog yet. Knowing my mother she most likely hasn't worked out how to click the link I sent to her email. (Hi Mum...when you do read this!)

Oh my life....I'm just watching a cop show....Three girls fighting! It's disgusting...how do women behave so badly? It give us women such a bad name. Lock them up and through away the key I say.

I'm shattered now so I'm going to bed. Night.